Behind the Scenes!
It's pretty hard to find the Behind The Scenes pictures of MBAV in high quality. Most of these photos were uploaded on long abandoned sites so, I've compiled the highest quality verisons of these pictures I've found here.If you would like to see behind the scenes Videos as well check out this youtube playlist!
Without further a do all the BTS photos I have!
The Movie

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Click on the links to explore or just scroll!
Close ups
Group pictures
BTS Screencaps
Close Ups

Click to see jesse hissing uncropped.
Group Pictures


Jesse's just hanging out.
BTS Screencaps
The following pictures are screen caps from THIS video. check it out :3

Season 1

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Jump around Episode by Episode or just scroll through!

Lawn of the Dead

Three Cheers for Evil

Blood Drive

Click here to see Sarah holding 3 cookies
Guys and Dolls

Meet Debbie Dazzle
Double Negative

Taken from this video!
Friday Night Frights

Die Pod

Blue Moon

Doug the Vampire Hunter

The Brewed

Three Geeks and a Demon


Benny, Sarah and Ethan in halloween costumes!

Season 2

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Theirs a ton of behind the scenes season 2 photos, click on the links to jump around!

Welcome Back Dusker

Say you'll be Maztak

Note: thers a few BTS photos I didn't want to include because of the shirtless scenes. You can see them here
Fanged and Furious



Village of the Darned

Hottie Ho-Tep

Indepence Daze

Siren Song



Note: thers a few BTS photos I didn't want to include because of the cultural appropriation (and general racism) in this ep. You can see them here and here.
The Date to End All Dates

Extra's from Season 2
Season two wrap party

Cameron Kennedy and Ellen Fine in the Editing bay!


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There's a few behind the scenes pictures i haven't been able to organize in the previous existing groups yet (because sorting takes time) but I really want to put all the behind the scene pictures I have on here. So enjoy :P
The image sizes will be all over the place since that Also Takes Time.If theirs any duplicates sory.

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